¡Hola a todos! Nos estamos adelantando con las ofertas de mitad de año en PlayStation Store y estamos desempolvando una cantidad de títulos que raramente están en oferta como parte de la Venta Flash del Fondo del Baúl. A partir de ahora, ahorra hasta un 90 porciento de descuento en juegos como Peggle 2 Magical Masters Edition, Ride, Sword Art Online RE Hollow Fragment, y mucho más.
Revisa el listado completo, y luego ve a PlayStation Store todo este fin de semana. Pero no pierdas tiempo, la Venta Flash termina el lunes 21 de marzo.
Consola | Título | Descuento |
PS4 | Entwined | 70% |
PS4 | Abyss Odyssey: Extended Dream Edition | 70% |
PS4 | Air Conflicts Vietnam Ultimate Edition | 80% |
PS4 | Counterspy (Cross-Buy) | 70% |
PS4 | Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams: Director’s Cut | 80% |
PS4 | Home – A Unique Horror Adventure (Cross Buy) | 80% |
PS4 | Ironclad Tactics | 70% |
PS4 | Loot Action-Packed Bundle | 75% |
PS4 | Mercenary Kings | 80% |
PS4 | Motogp 14 | 80% |
PS4 | Peggle 2 Magical Masters Edition | 90% |
PS4 | Project Root (Cross Buy) | 75% |
PS4 | Pure Chess Complete Bundle | 70% |
PS4 | Ride | 83% |
PS4 | Steamworld Dig (Cross Buy) | 70% |
PS4 | Strider | 75% |
PS4 | Styx: Master Of Shadows | 70% |
PS4 | Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment | 75% |
PS4 | The Swapper (3 Way Cross Buy) | 90% |
PS4 | Tour De France 2014 Season 2014 (Cross Buy) | 70% |
PS4 | Transformers Devastation | 65% |
PS4 | Zen Pinball 2: Zen Pinball 2 – Marvel’s Ant-Man (3-Way Cross-Buy) | 67% |
PS4 | Zombie Vikings | 60% |
PS4 | Zotrix | 75% |
PS3 | Explodemon! Trial | 90% |
PS3 | Flow | 70% |
PS3 | Grid: Autosport: Grid Autosport Pase de Temporada | 70% |
PS3 | Heavenly Guardian (PS2 Classic) | 80% |
PS3 | Castlevania Chronicles (PSOne Classic) | 75% |
PS3 | Entwined | 70% |
PS3 | Manhunt (PS2 Classic) | 90% |
PS3 | Mega Man X4 | 75% |
PS3 | Mega Man X5 | 75% |
PS3 | Strider 2 (PSOne Classic) | 75% |
PS3 | Adam’s Venture Chronicles – (PS3 Trial) | 75% |
PS3 | Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers (PS3 Full Game) | 75% |
PS3 | Alice: Madness Returns: Alice: Madness Returns Ultimate Edition (Store Bundle) | 90% |
PS3 | Arcania The Complete Tale (PS3 Full Game) | 85% |
PS3 | Bionic Commando: Rearmed | 80% |
PS3 | Brothers In Arms: Hell’s Highway (PS3 Full Game) | 70% |
PS3 | Call Of Juarez: Bound In Blood (PS3 Full Game) | 75% |
PS3 | Call Of Juarez: Gunslinger | 70% |
PS3 | Counterspy (Cross-Buy) | 70% |
PS3 | Deadly Premonition: The Directors Cut (PS3 Full Game) | 75% |
PS3 | Digimon All-Star Rumble | 85% |
PS3 | Dirt 3 | 75% |
PS3 | Ea Sports Mma Digital | 90% |
PS3 | F1 Race Stars (PS3 Full Game) | 70% |
PS3 | Flashback | 90% |
PS3 | Game Of Thrones (PS3 Full Game – D&D) | 90% |
PS3 | Grid 2 | 70% |
PS3 | Grid: Autosport | 70% |
PS3 | Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure All Stars Battle | 85% |
PS3 | Lights Camera Party! | 90% |
PS3 | Medal Of Honor Frontline | 90% |
PS3 | Motogp 2014 | 80% |
PS3 | Namco Museum Essentials | 85% |
PS3 | Of Orcs And Men | 70% |
PS3 | Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within | 90% |
PS3 | R-Type Dimensions | 70% |
PS3 | Ride | 75% |
PS3 | Risen 3 Titan Lords – Complete Edition | 75% |
PS3 | Risen 3: Titan Lords | 70% |
PS3 | Rock Band Blitz (Trial) | 70% |
PS3 | Rune Factory: Tides Of Destiny (PS3 Full Game) | 70% |
PS3 | Sam & Max: Beyond Time And Space – Episode 1 – Trial: Sam & Max: Beyond Time And Space – Full Season | 90% |
PS3 | Sam And Max Episode 1: The Penal Zone Trial: The Devil’s Playhouse | 90% |
PS3 | Soldner-X 2: Final Prototype Complete Bundle | 80% |
PS3 | Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer | 80% |
PS3 | Spelunker HD | 70% |
PS3 | Spelunker HD Ultimate Edition | 75% |
PS3 | Spongebob Squarepants: Plankton’s Robotic Revenge | 75% |
PS3 | Stardrone (Cross Buy) | 75% |
PS3 | The Swapper (PS3) (3 Way Cross Buy) | 90% |
PS3 | The Walking Dead Survival Inistinct PS3 Full Game D&D Pre-venta | 81% |
PS3 | Thief – Digital Bundle | 90% |
PS3 | Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD | 70% |
PS3 | Transformers Devastation | 65% |
PS3 | Worms Ultimate Mayhem | 70% |
PS3 | Xblaze Lost: Memories | 70% |
PS3 | Zen Pinball 2 – Marvel’s Ant-Man (3-Way Cross-Buy) | 67% |
PSP | Elminage Original | 75% |
PSP | End Of Serenity | 70% |
PSP | Harvest Moon: Hero Of Leaf Valley | 75% |
PSP | Mystic Chronicles | 70% |
PSP | Prince Of Persia: Revelations | 90% |
PSP | Prince Of Persia: Rival Swords | 90% |
PSP | Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands | 90% |
PSP | Warriors Of The Lost Empire | 70% |
PS Vita | Entwined | 70% |
PS Vita | Bombing Busters (Cross-Buy) | 70% |
PS Vita | Code: Realize ~Guardian Of Rebirth~ | 70% |
PS Vita | Counterspy (Cross Buy) | 70% |
PS Vita | Farming Simulator 14 | 70% |
PS Vita | Furmins | 75% |
PS Vita | Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth 1 | 70% |
PS Vita | Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth 2 | 70% |
PS Vita | Metrico | 80% |
PS Vita | Mind Zero | 70% |
PS Vita | Monster Monpiece | 90% |
PS Vita | Motogp 14 | 80% |
PS Vita | Muramasa Rebirth | 70% |
PS Vita | Norn9: Var Commons | 70% |
PS Vita | Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath | 80% |
PS Vita | Project Root (Cross Buy)(Indie) | 75% |
PS Vita | Reel Fishing: Master’s Challenge | 70% |
PS Vita | Stardrone Extreme (+ Trial) (Cross Buy) | 75% |
PS Vita | Steamworld Dig (Cross Buy) | 70% |
PS Vita | Söldner-X 2: Final Prototype Complete Bundle (Crossbuy) | 80% |
PS Vita | The Swapper (3 Way Cross Buy) | 90% |
PS Vita | Total Recoil | 60% |
PS Vita | Zen Pinball 2 – Marvel’s Ant-Man (3-Way Cross-Buy) | 67% |
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